Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

The meadows daisy

The meadows daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), also meadows or meadows daisy chrysanthemum called, is the eponymous species of the genus of daisies in the family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

The meadows daisy is a perennial herbaceous plant, 30-60 cm plant height reached. Her slightly edged stem is erect and usually unbranched. The spatulate leaves are arranged alternate. The lower leaves are usually toothed coarse.

The bloom conditions of daisies have a diameter of four to six centimeters and spread especially when fading an unpleasant odor, standing alone on the terminal stems. The lanceolate bracts are mostly bald with dark brown edges. The körbchenförmige inflorescence can be described as a flower, of botany is referring to the bestäubungsbiologische unit of flowering plants. All körbchenförmige inflorescence is used to attract the pollinating insects, while the white florets serve as a show organs and only the disc florets are fertile. The pure white ray florets are 6 mm wide and the other hand, tubular flowers are golden yellow. The flowers appear from May to September. Are formed zehnrippige achenes which are about 4 mm long.

Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magerwiesen-Margerite
See Also: flowers online, flowers delivery, birthday flowers

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