Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Nothoscordum Use & Systematics

In the genus Nothoscordum there are a few types of species that are beautiful ornamental plants for the garden.

The bulbs of Nothoscordum gracile be eaten raw or cooked and are used as a garlic substitute. However, the plants smell of Nothoscordum gracile injuries not of garlic or onions, this species is classified as aggressive invasive plant.


Karl Sigismund Kunth published in 1843 in the genus Nothoscordum Enumeratio Plantarum, 4, p. 457 The genus belongs to the tribe Nothoscordum Ipheieae Gilliesioideae in the subfamily within the family of the onion family (Alliaceae). A synonym for Nothoscordum Kunth is: Zoellnerallium Crosa.

Some species of Nothoscordum be classified by many authors in the Ipheion, belong to, for example dialystemon Nothoscordum sellowianum or Nothoscordum.

Most contain the doldigen inflorescences of several flowers Nothoscordum species and species Ipheion only one flower, but there are exceptions.

Other genera in which some of the Nothoscordum species are to be classified: Milla, Tristagma, Brodiaea, Beauverdia.


See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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